Health & SafetyTraining Courses


Abrasive Wheel Safety (Half Day)

Outline: To provide for competence in the mounting, truing and dressing of abrasive wheels for use on bench grinders, angle grinders and cutting off machines and in accordance with the requirements of the PUWER Regulations.

Objectives: 1. Understand the legal implications of working with grinding equipment. 2. Describe the main causes of accidents with abrasive wheels and their prevention. 3. Describe the main characteristics of abrasive wheels form given Manufacturers information. 4. Recognise unsatisfactory wheel condition. 5. Understand the requirements for wheel guarding. 6. Demonstrate the necessary knowledge to mount abrasive wheels correctly. 7. True and dress abrasive wheels demonstrating knowledge of out of true and wheel balance conditions requiring dressing and tools and techniques involved. 8. Appreciate the correct methods for storage and handling of abrasive wheels.

Accident Investigation

Outline: This one-day course will provide delegates with a broad understanding of the principles and practice of accident investigation to enable organisations to cut their costs without cutting corners or compromising on safety. It will enable organisations to meet their moral and legal obligations to investigate accidents and incidents and learn from safety failure.

Objectives: Training is suitable for Line Managers, Supervisors, Safety Representatives – and anyone with the responsibility for investigating accidents. The topics covered on this course can be applied to any industry sector.

Asbestos Awareness

Outline: This course aims to provide delegates with a knowledge of how to work safely in environments where Asbestos is present

Objectives: Upon completion of the Course delegates will be able to understand the legal implications of work involving exposure to asbestos and appreciate the different types of asbestos and describe the main effects on human health. They will also be able to appreciate the different levels of survey conducted to establish the management requirements for asbestos on the Company site, as well as being able to recognise and risk assess materials in each job

Bandsaws Training

Outline: This course covers all aspects of setting & operating a bandsaw, with reference to current health & safety requirements and should be attended by personnel who are required to set or operate a bandsaw machine

Objectives: Upon completion, delegates will have learnt how to safely operate a Bandsaw, and be confident in setting, tensioning and tracking the saw, as well as having developed skills in cutting and maintaining different types of saws

Basic Health & Safety & Food Hygiene

Outline: This course is designed to equip delegates with a basic knowledge of legislation required across both disciplines with practical examples. This will enable delegates to contribute to the effective implementation of any health and safety/food hygiene management system.

Objectives: Upon completion of this half day course, delegates will leave with a firm grasp of the importance of food safety and knowledge of the systems, techniques and procedures involved, as well as an understanding of how to control food safety risks (personal hygiene, food storage, cooking and handling), so that they can use confidence and expertise to safely deliver quality food to customers.

CCNSG Safety Passport

Outline: Health and Safety training for those working in the engineering and construction industries

Objectives: The CCNSG Safety Passport course is designed for contractor site personnel having to gain access and work on engineering and construction sites and the qualification is acknowledged by a consortium of major industries from oil, power, gas, chemical and steel, as sound Health & Safety Training Awareness. The Passport is valid for three years and the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) provides administrative support and maintains a national database to the CCNSG

CCNSG Safety Passport Renewal

Outline: A half day renewal course to obtain a new Safety Passport qualification

Objectives: The CCNSG Safety Passport renewal course is designed to refresh the skills learnt on the 2 day course that we offer when the passport has expired after the initial three year qualification. The course will cover modules in safe behaviour at work, the safety of the workplace and area and the correct and safe practices required to operate machinery and carry out their roles within their organisation. The course will lead to a new Safety Passport requalification of three years

Control of Contractors

Outline: This course is designed for anybody that has the responsibility for employing or managing contractors, including, property, facilities and maintenance managers, office managers, health and safety mangers and officers, directors and managers of property companies

Objectives: This one-day course employs a mixture of formal presentation, case study exercises and facilitated discussion, covering a number of topics which include health and safety law and liability, legislation, managing contractors in practice, work planning and contract agreements


Outline: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health – To facilitate safety through best practice in work with hazardous substances and compliance with legal requirements.

Objectives: On completion of this course, delegates will be able to understand the causes and effects of injury arising from exposure to hazardous substances and implications for the employer. They will also appreciate the legal position of the employee and the employer in particular the requirements of the COSHH Regulations 2002 and RIDDOR 1995. Other topics covered on the course include, correct PPE usage, handling of hazardous substances, accident prevention & risk assessment and health surveillance

Drugs and Alcohol Awareness

Outline: This will help managers, supervisors and employees recognise and respond, within the law, to drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace.

Objectives: Attendees will learn to describe the appearance, impact and prevalence of commonly used drugs and discuss organisational responses to drug use, including pros and cons of drug monitoring in your organisation. They will also learn to use testing kits and how to best support someone to access support when required

DSE Half Day

Outline: This course aims to facilitate minimisation of risk to health of employees through use of DSE equipment

Objectives: On completion of this session, delegates will be able to understand what is meant by Display Screen Equipment and they will be able to appreciate the main requirements of the regulations that apply to work stations and the employer’s and employees’ responsibilities in relation to health and safety in the organisation and use of DSE workstations.

Dynamic Risk Assement

Outline: This training is aimed at Maintenance Crews, Service Engineers and essentially any member of staff that needs to have an awareness of health & safety across a range of disciplines

Objectives: Upon completion of this course, delegates will have developed an understanding & basic knowledge of Risk Assessment and of the risks associated with Working at Height, manual handling & general work equipment. They will be able to assess the risks when required to work at height, when undertaking Manual Handling and working with equipment and during maintenance and repair

Face Fit Testing

Outline: The Face Fit Testing course is designed to teach the methods for checking that a tight fitting facepiece matches an individual’s facial features and can provide an adequate seal to the wearer’s face

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the delegates will leave with a knowledge of how to select and correctly fit the correct RPE and they will be able to distinguish how to identify poorly fitting facepieces. They will also learn how to carry out diagnostic tests on the facepieces and learn HSE regulations and approved codes of practice relating to fit testing

Fire Marshall Training

Outline: The aim of this course is to educate delegates in their role as a fire warden by increasing knowledge of fire hazards, safety and risk assessment

Objectives: On completion of this course delegates will be able to, appreciate Company and personal responsibilities under current Law and understand basic Fire theory and prevention. They will also be able to undertake Fire Risk Assessment and recognise combustible materials and sources of ignition as well as understanding their role as a fire marshall

Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training

Outline: This course is designed for persons who may have to use an extinguisher in the workplace, e.g. industrial premises, offices, shops, hotels or residential care homes. This course will provide delegates with greater fire safety awareness and is designed to increase their confidence in the action to take in the case of a fire occurring

Objectives: Delegates will learn about the theory of combustion and causes of fire and the way to fight fire, including the types and correct use of fire extinguishers. Delegates will also handle extinguishers on live fires and learn how to use them correctly and safely.

Hand-arm Vibration Awareness

Outline: Designed for personnel who use portable hand held and fixed equipment which emits vibration.

Objectives: Upon completion, delegates will have covered a variety of topics with regard to vibration in the work place, including how to monitor their exposure and control vibrations, as well as being brought up to date with the most relevant legislations and guidelines

IOSH Managing Safely

Outline: This course is designed for managers and supervisors in any sector and any organisation.

Objectives: The IOSH Managing safely course is designed for managers and supervisors in any sector and any organisation to get them up to speed on the practical actions they need to take to handle health and safety in their teams. The course will cover modules in risk assessment, risk control, understanding accountability and responsibility, hazard identification and incident investigation, aiming to give each delegate a solid understanding of how to manage health and safety practices in their workplace in a refreshingly informal way.

IOSH Working Safely Course

Outline: Working safely is for people at any level, in any sector, needing grounding in the essentials of health and safety. Everyone at work should have an understanding of why they must ‘work safely’ – and this course offers exactly that.

Objectives: What they need to know – and are perhaps reluctant to learn about – in a refreshingly informal way. Working safely isn’t supposed to turn delegates into safety experts. It focuses on why health and safety is important, and how individuals can make a real difference to the wellbeing of themselves and others through changing their behaviour.

Ladder Safety (Half Day)

Outline: A must attend course for anyone who is required to use ladders and step ladders.

Objectives: Delegates will learn to understand the effects of fall from height and the implications for their employer, as well as gaining an appreciation of the legal position of the employee and the employer via the study of Civil Law. They will also be able to recognise the range of regulations and the requirements that are enforced with regards to the use of ladders, stepladders and portable staging. Other course topics will cover the correct use of terminology and PPE as well as ladder selection, inspection and use

Manual Handling (Half Day)

Outline: This course aims to reduce risk of handling related injury to employees through development of an understanding of the effect of manual handling activity and the principles of safe manual handling

Objectives: On completion of this course, employees will be able to describe their legal obligations to undertake safe manual handling and appreciate the risk assessment process in relation to manual handling operations. They will also have gained an understanding of the effect of incorrect manual handling and excessive manual handling on the body and they will have learnt how to apply the correct method of handling and moving a load using manual lifting and handling and mechanical aids

Manual Handling Train the Trainer

Outline: This course aims to provide delegates with an understanding of statistics relating to manual handling injuries and information on regulations and responsibilities

Objectives: Upon completion, candidates will have learnt the skills needed to train individuals and groups at all levels within their organisation in all aspects of Manual Handling techniques, as well as learning how to recognise different learning needs and how to adapt in different situations


Outline: The NEBOSH National General Certificate provides a broad understanding of key health and safety issues, covering the legal requirements for health and safety in the UK and the identification and control of workplace hazards

Objectives: Each NEBOSH course is split down into three units, and upon completion of the course, each delegate will be able to assist in the planning, implementation and review of an organisations health & safety policy, and understand the requirements of HSE legislation, codes of practice and the prosecution process. They will be confident in undertaking risk assessments and recommend suitable action, as well as being able to Investigate accidents and prepare reports in line with HSE legislation

PAT Testing

Outline: The aim of the course is to enable those attending to gain the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out Portable Appliance Testing in the workplace. This is a non-accredited course, a certificate of attendance will be issued.

Objectives: The course will cover all the relevant legal requirements and contains practical sessions to enable those attending to test a variety of different appliances and detect common faults.

Power Press (Full Day)

Outline: This one day course aims to satisfy the requirements of Part 4 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 in relation to the training of Authorised Persons to inspect and authorise Power presses for use

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, delegates will be able to appreciate the causes, costs and effects of accidents associated with the operation and setting of power presses and press brakes, and understand the requirements of HSW Act and PUWER 1998 including particular reference to Part 4 and appreciate the implications of related regulations ( NAWR, MHOR, WHSWR). They will also have learnt to recognise a range of different power presses and press mechanisms with particular reference to clutch, flywheel and braking arrangements and understand function, and will also have covered topics such as structure and function, tooling design and power press maintenance and inspection

Power Press (Half Day)

Outline: This refresher course aims to fulfil the requirement for training of all those involved in tool setting procedures, guard removal, replacement and certification as well as managing or supervising those activities, that the Power Press Regulations 1998 and its Approved Code of Practice and Guidance are applicable to

Objectives: This course is designed for press setters/operators, maintenance personnel and those in supervisory and managerial positions where the operation of power presses is involved. It aims to cover the Power Press Regulations and its Approved Code of Practice and Guidance 1998 and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (as applied to Presses) content applicable to the safe use of power presses e.g. Regulation 11 – Dangerous Parts of Machinery as well as other relevant legislation

Risk Assessments

Outline: To develop capability to undertake a range of risk assessments that meet the requirements of legislation.

Objectives: On completion of the risk assessment course, delegates will be able to appreciate the legal requirements for risk assessments to be undertaken with reference to general work activity, hazardous substances, manual handling operations, Display screen equipment, noise exposure and fire. They will also leave being able to use and understand the terminology associated with hazard and risk, as well as knowing the difference between preventative and protective control measures, which will enable them to confidently undertake a complete risk assessment un aided

Safety in the Office – DSE & DSE Assessor (Full Day)

Outline: This course aims to facilitate minimisation of risk to health of employees through use of DSE equipment

Objectives: On completion of this session, delegates will be able to understand what is meant by Display Screen Equipment and they will be able to appreciate the main requirements of the regulations that apply to work stations and the employer’s and employees’ responsibilities in relation to health and safety in the organisation and use of DSE workstations

Safety Representatives Course

Outline: This course aims to develop the concept of the influence of Health and Safety issues on business performance, by promoting an understanding of individual and corporate responsibilities imposed by legislative requirements, whilst defining the role of the safety representative in the workplace

Objectives: On completion of this course, delegates will be able to understand the impact of health and safety failures on the organisation and the importance of effective health and safety management within the UK economy. They will also learn about why health and safety incidents occur and cover topics on workplace hazards, accident inspection, risk assessment and responsibility and accountability

Safety Policy Preparation

Outline: This course aims to equip delegates with the tools and skills necessary so that they are able to leave and draw up their own safety policies within their workplace

Objectives: Upon completion of this course, delegates will have been educated on how to compose their own safety policies inline with Government Health and Safety guidelines and laws, in order to provide a safer working environment for those around them

Working At Heights (Full Day)

Outline: To facilitate the safe use of ladders, steps and staging in compliance with best practice and legal requirements.

Objectives: Upon completion of this course delegates will be able to quantify the effects of a fall from height by gaining an understanding of the implications on themselves and for their employer. They will also have gained an appreciation for the range of Regulations and the requirements that are enforced with regard to the use of ladders, stepladders and portable staging, whilst having gained knowledge of safe ladder staging, correct PPE application and accident prevention

Working at Height (Half Day)

Outline: To facilitate the safe use of ladders, steps and staging in compliance with best practice and legal requirements.

Objectives: Upon completion of this course delegates will be able to quantify the effects of a fall from height by gaining an understanding of the implications on themselves and for their employer. They will also have gained an appreciation for the range of Regulations and the requirements that are enforced with regard to the use of ladders, stepladders and portable staging, whilst having gained knowledge of safe ladder staging, correct PPE application and accident prevention

Working in Confined Spaces

Outline: This in depth, highly practical, course is designed for individuals who enter confined spaces classed as Medium Risk such as manholes, shafts, chambers, culverts and similar spaces, and those who assist with confined space operations. Working breathing apparatus training is also included

Objectives: On completion of the course, delegates shall be competent in understanding current legislation and Approved Codes of Practice (ACoP) and recognising types of confined spaces and their associated hazards. They will also be able to implement control measures to either eliminate or reduce potential risks and understand the safe use of escape breathing and working breathing apparatus

Youth Mental Health First Aid – 2 Day

Outline: Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is for everyone who works with, lives with or supports young people aged 8-18

Objectives: This course will teach you the skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid, and guide them towards the support they need. In doing so, you can speed up a young person’s recovery and stop a mental health issue from getting worse

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